"Jump into the middle of things, get your hands dirty, fall flat on your face and then reach for the stars!"
-Joan L.Curcio

sunnuntai 3. lokakuuta 2010


So my knee pains returned... And I decided not to spend the weekend at the Kuortane´s sports academy after all since I thought I shouldn´t waste the weekend sitting in the hotel room sulking. Instead I spent the weekend in Vaasa (again). I already thought and hoped that my knees were fine after the summer injuries. But I guess I was being too eager with training. So it´ll be level-headed training from now on... And maybe in January I can finally pack my running shoes in my suitcase and continue running in Spain. If it goes well...it´ll be stockholm marathon 2011!! (in case I´m ready to return in the spring)

                                 And if I never run again.....climbing turned out to be...interesting
                                                          Just kidding, I won´t give up!

Now I need to start getting ready for my first exam in the administrative studies... At last a sunday when I actually manage to get something done.. Roughly translated, the course is `Management and conduct`.... Such a stride from Shakespeare´s texts and linguistic analysis e.g. Wish me luck!

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